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Take Your Foot Off the Brake!

It seems that these days I’ve been thinking in metaphors. I have no idea why. I have no idea when this came to be, I just go with it.

It's the way God speaks to me these days. I think I'm ALL in but I'm pretty sure there is plenty of room for self improvement. How about you?

I've had this image in mind of so many of us as we are driving along the road of life. We have one foot very gingerly on our vehicles gas pedal and the other foot smashed down hard on the brake.

I wonder, what would life look like if you gave yourself permission to take your foot off the brake and apply a little pressure to the gas pedal of your life? I know so many of us don’t even realize how much stress and pressure we are forcing onto that brake but many of us do exactly that.

We do this for various personal and experiential reasons. Many of those reasons we are oblivious to and they are unintentionally on autopilot. Sometimes it's based on it being all we have known in the past. Maybe we once had a need to limit ourselves and possibly just lived in survival mode, plain and simple.

Fear, worry, what will others think or will say are factors as we hit the brake with more force than we knew we had. It just simply is, and we have gotten complacent and comfortable with being scared and uncomfortable.

How many circumstances in your life keep weighing you down and keep you from easing your foot off the brake so you can finally apply a little fuel and positive energy into your life?

Imagine your life if you could stop sacrificing your outcome and instead you chose to grab onto that God infused fuel He offers.... and all that’s required is you just have to release the brake pedal and tap into the source.

God never asked us to hit the brakes and stop living. He has promised us that He will guide us through the scary and hard stuff so we can find our way to His great stuff. Jesus is our fuel and unfortunately, we hit the brakes before we allow Him to show us what He has for us. It is kind of a shame isn’t it?

"God wants us to live our lives filled with all of His possibilities and purposes while He promises us a great future but we must stop basing our future on our past" © SLC


2 Timothy 1:7

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.


You see, in the end we have this one life and when we get right down to it, that brake petal is costing you a lot. It’s keeping you from having the God infused fuel to fully support your dream business or job. It steals the impact you want to make in the world and changes the relationships you want. It robs the world of the voice you have hiding within and even making the money you want to make so you can help the people you're craving to help.

Leaving the legacy you want to leave is not a fantasy. It's a possibility but, without your cooperation and true willingness to be a little uncomfortable in order to overcome, you will be right where you are now, a year from now. 5 years from now....

You have what it takes to be all God created you to be. Get your foot off the brake and GO!

Tip and thought for today (2 parts)

~ Take a moment and ask yourself what your fear, worry, anxiety is costing you?

~ How likely is it that this worry or fear is actually going to happen?

~ What if something goes wrong?

~ What if it goes wonderfully?

~ Is it better to have tried and failed or continue to not even try?

Go ahead and grab a piece of paper and make 3 columns.

1- On the left side, list the things you’d like to achieve big or small. 2 - Then, in the middle column, list what the fear is and thoughts that keep you from releasing your foot from the brake petal.

3 - On the right column, list what the result is of not even trying and of letting worry, fear,

"what if's" stop you.

4 - I suggest taking that to your keyboard or journal and ask yourself if it really is worth not having what you want. Need help working this out? I am so happy to help. See below.

Post your results below or if you feel like emailing me your results I would love to hear from you or go to and go to my Services page and schedule your free Discovery call with me so I can help you break free from the thinking that keeps you from hitting the gas and moving forward.

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